
So for those who celebrate lent – it’s coming.

I was brought up in the church – I attended Catholic schools for most of my life (10+ years so definitely most of my life) and I can also say that is one way for a child who turned into an adult to break away and “discover” other means of religion.

I’m practically agnostic/deist but still on the edge, and not making any means to commit to another anytime soon. Yes, it’s because I’m lazy and I’ll be 25 in June so I’m still unsure about everything religion. There’s too much pressure on society’s views on it anyways.

So, one of my closest friends is going through the process of becoming a Catholic. And while I’m excited for him, it really puts things in perspectives on how the Church is set up – and as emotional support I blindly said that I would participate in Lent with him.


So, instead of giving something up, I’m going to do what I did in December (Runcember) and work out more. I pretty much did a 5K every day of December, and while I do have a 5K that I’m walking for Weight Watchers, I’ll be working out every day of March. Except for Sunday’s because I work long hours on that day, and you’re supposed to be taking a break once a week anyways.

Lucky for me, I prefer Tuna to anything, so the No Meat on Friday’s won’t be challenging. We’ll see how it works out, I have everything written in my planner just to make sure. It’s actually a lot of fun to be organized.


I got up in time!!

I got up in time to head to Weight Watchers this morning – which in hindsight isn’t that difficult, but when you get home around 3:15 and then your boyfriend decides to keep you awake so you only have maybe 4 hours of sleep, it was challenging.

But I knew that if I went I could be back on track.

And that’s the case. It was great seeing everyone since it’s been a couple of weeks, it puts me back on track. Which is what I feel like I needed anyways.

It’s honestly a great experience to go back to a community that you haven’t taken part in in awhile, and I gained 3.8 pounds, but considering that it could be so much higher, I’m not terribly upset.

I think it will motivate me to become better this coming week, especially with my Lent Goals that I will be starting at the beginning of next month.

I can’t believe that it’s coming up, in all honesty.



Pulling Off the Band-Aid

So, as I mentioned in my previous post (below and some posts from earlier) the best way of facing something is by mustering up your courage and ripping off that band aid as fast as you could.

(I originally meant to post this before I went on my trip on the 15th, so sorry that this is essentially a half-month late.)

I had been dealing with some people in my life that weren’t exactly good for me – as in I’d been taking a lot of their issues and combining it with my own. They were getting to the point where they were essentially toxic, but because I saw them frequently, I couldn’t get rid of them. And, I didn’t really know how to.

When I went home this last time, I was very, very ill. And while I did actually stress myself out to the point that I was ill, (if you remember my luggage fiasco and how it heightened my anxiety – yeah great times) I was fairly certain that I caught something.

So, I’m at home and stressing out because of everything going on and I’m too ill to return home on time, and my sleep schedule is getting all wacked out. As in, I’m sleeping at 3pm and waking up around 2 am, completely. And my mom was telling me that I told her that I would just continue sleeping it off.

Which is fine, but I wish that my sleepy self would wake up so that I could spend some time with her. However, I was sick, so it’s okay. It’s just one of those things that I think about when I’m home, “you could have spent more time with everyone“.

That’s another topic for later.

But I came home and I realized that I need to face my fears and just swipe that stupid Band-Aid that didn’t need to be there in the first place, and I did it. It just took enough stress for it to affect my body (I lost 12 pounds that week according to Weight Watchers) and for me to finally tell my parents what has been going on and just “come clean” with everything.

My advice to you, is when you start recognizing these signs, just deal with it. I know it’s hard to actually follow through with that advice, but it’s really important if you do. Not only will you create a better environment for yourself, but you will also not be stressed out to the point of illness.

Thanks as always, and happy New Year.


Generic Goals

Not to sound uber sarcastic about the title, but every year people send out their resolutions, and while I do have goals that I want to continue this new year of 2017, I don’t want to post something and then have someone else remind me (mostly here in person, fyi) that I didn’t follow through with them.

One thing that I do, is that I keep a notepad app on my phone and I write down things that I am working on so I can continue to do what I think is best for me. Then I can also better myself along the way. It’s something that I look at when I start to slowly panic about the future, and as long as I have the space on my phone, it’s a great little tidbit to help me.

I hope to continue my goals throughout the new year, and I hope to continue to post about things that happen in my life so that I can be positive. But for my goals for the new year (they are not in any particular order):

  • Continue weight loss. This one is a given, I lost 14.6 pounds in the last year, and that’s over 2 months and that makes me so thrilled. In 2 months, I made something possible, such as losing weight.
  • Remain positive. I know that it’s easier said than done, but I have realized that the more I stay positive, the less my depression/anxiety hinder me.
  • Continue blogging. This has been life changing for me, because I know now that people are around me that care, and they aren’t “mean people on the internet”.
  • Apply for graduate school. I want to start by next August. Which means it’s time that I get my life in order, and I know that I can do it. I know that it may stress me out, but it’s completely doable.
  • Have a great year. And just in general, I’m ready for the year to whiz by – and that everything goes smoothly. Life is difficult and issues arise, but I want to remember all great things, and just enjoy everything.

I know that it’s generic. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that it doesn’t matter with what I have, as long as I’m happy. Yes, sometimes I want materialistic goods – because who doesn’t? (my weakness is makeup and clothes, though)

Boyfriend and I may argue, but as long as we have each other, I know that I’ll be happy. I may lose my job, but I have the skills to overcome anything. I can work anywhere, and I can be great at whatever I do. I have learned this about myself, and because of that, I welcome 2017.

Kay x

Last Day of the Year

Happy New Year’s Eve!

Turns out my old roommate is in town, and the boyfriend and I are going to go visit him. He is in the Navy and is stationed somewhere in California (I’ve asked, but I can’t remember so oh well…) When I got the news that I had to find somewhere to live when my roommate wanted to leave (she had her name on the lease so) I was talking to my boyfriend about it and his roommate was basically “Why don’t you live with us to make the rent cheaper?

So he’s pretty awesome. My boyfriend and had only been going out for maybe six months at the time (but we’ve known each other for years) and I had never lived with anyone before that was a guy I was interested in, so it was interesting and I had to move my life around, but it’s been 2.5 years now, and everything seems okay. (Boyfriend and I have been dating for over 3 years now, but you get what I mean)

So, we’re going to Midwest City tonight to bring in the New Year, and I went to my final weight watchers meeting of the year this morning, and everything has been pretty nice and relaxing today, which I am really thankful for.

I have some goals that I hope to achieve for the new year, but at this moment, I’m really happy with how 2016 went, because I did accomplish a lot this year:

  • I graduated. I graduated this August (technically) with my bachelor’s degree in General Sociology, and it took me six years, but I graduated, and that’s an amazing accomplishment.
  • I faced some of my fears. I confronted people that I was afraid of this year, and while it took me a lot of courage to do it, I am a better person because of it.
  • I cut people out of my life. This was hands down the hardest thing that I had to do this year, but cutting people out of my life relaxed me and cut down my stress almost instantly. Some people burnt my bridge and I’m confused to do next if I see them again, but for today, I’m happy.
  • I confronted my weight. I have been overweight all my life, and I never really tried to the extent that I’m trying now, and that gives me some positivity that I’m going to continue next year.
  • I am more interested in being positive. My life has changed more just by making this decision.

Here are five things at the bare minimum that I’ve accomplished this year. And I’m not typing them out so I can just throw them out of the window and continue down a path that I’m not truly interested in –  but in order to move forward we need to count all the things that we’ve accomplished. (woah a long sentence)

I’m thankful to see that my friend set up a makeup tips wordpress (that I don’t think she ever finished) but it opened a door to where I could type out my feelings and thoughts. So thank you for that friend. And even though I have 34 followers, that is 34 people who are a bit interested in what I have to discuss, so thank you.

Hope everyone has a great night, and once again,

Happy New Year

Kay x