
Hey everyone!

Sorry that I’ve been missing in action, but with family and everything else it’s been a busy week. And then on top of that I’ll be rehashing what I did on this vacation because I have some stuff to talk about.

Also I logged on today and noticed that I have 30 followers! Thank you so much for sticking around and looking at my posts. For Christmas I may upgrade my blog to the personal one instead of the free option. 

I’m a little worried that I won’t have enough space in the future so it’s something to think about. But then should I just be ambivertedd without the WordPress logo? 

Anyways, thank you for sticking around it really means a lot to me.



Reuniting with People

While I sometimes despise Facebook, and let me be completely honest, because I completely do at times, I love that I can reconnect with people.

Though, to be honest as I’ve mentioned that I have a horrid memory I like reconnecting with people but then they sometimes bring up “hey do you remember this?” Uh, no obviously not, thank you for ruining it for me.

So I “ran into” someone that I haven’t seen for years. And I would like to mention now, that most of my friends happen to be men, just because while I do have friends that are female, it can be so difficult always being friends with them. Either I get stabbed in the back, or something terrible happens. So yeah, not too crazy on that. (I do have Christine and Amber though, let’s not forget).

I would like to say that it’s been almost eight years, if not eight. And he comments on my posts every once in awhile, and I don’t expect us to become best friends instantly again, but it’s nice that people are still thinking positively of me.

I would also like to say that is something that I wish on everyone. I always hope that there is someone that will think about you in a positive way, because there is nothing better than that.

I hope that while I’m on my trip I can stop by and we can just meet up (since he lives in New York City) and I’m also honestly horrid at keeping in touch with people because I do live in the Midwest and it’s not like we can go get a coffee all the time. (Holy crap, talk about a long sentence)

Hope everything is going well with you, if you decided to stop by, and have a happy Thanksgiving week!



Why, yes, I am flying Delta Airlines.

(Actually this post is queued, so forgive me for not having actual current feelings about flying.) But I will say that traveling does stress me out a little bit, and not just in the social anxiety way.

It’s more of like I have to deal with all these other people that I will never see again, and never (probably) even think of again. (Though if I think about it that way, than maybe I should think of them again).

Flying stresses me out because it’s the thought of “What happens if our flight is delayed?” or “What happens if some freak accident happens and I’m stuck somewhere?” Will any of these situations happen? No, probably not, and I just knocked on wood around 15 times just to be absolutely sure.

My parents live in Orange County, New York, and we’re flying into Duchess County, which isn’t too far away. Maybe closer to 30-45 minutes away. It’s a small airport, so it won’t be too terrible, and my flight leaves at 7:40a Central time, and I should be in New York by 6:15p Eastern time. (So naturally I am either at an airport now, or in the air)

I cannot wait to see my family, and I hope that Thanksgiving will be a memorable time, filled with many more happy memories. I also hope that I won’t lose my mind when traveling or get sick. I also hope that I won’t get bored.

I’ll have Pokemon Sun to play for my 3DS, and I got a lot of books to read on my Kindle Paperwhite.

I also always carry on my stuff, and I cannot decide if I want to do a duffle bag again, or if I want to do a backpack, but we’ll see. I think I’ll do the duffle bag to fit in all my makeup and shoes.

Anyways, hope your thanksgiving week is going well, because I know mine will be.

Thank you,


Almost there!

I cannot believe that I leave tomorrow!

I already have two posts queued up for the week, and I’ll try to get on and update as much as I can throughout the week. I already “scheduled” my flights on my calendar. So I fly out Monday, which is technically tomorrow considering that it’s a little past midnight.

I’m currently watching Titanic as I type this up via Netflix, so there’s that going for me.

And I’ve been playing Pokemon Sun since I received it Friday.

Now the only things that I still need to do/figure out for today remains:

  • I need to figure out liquid restraints for carry on (because I will be only carrying a duffel bag and therefore my makeup will be on my carry on or in my purse)
  • I need to accurately weigh the bags to ensure that they are not too heavy
  • I also need to figure out what I want to wear to the airport, because one needs to be comfortable but also able to run at a moment’s notice. Though for the way there, that shouldn’t be an issue. But on the way back….I may just wear my exercise clothes because it may be smarter
  • I also need to make sure I have all of my chargers and to make sure that my fitbit is fully charged. And to ensure that I have my 3Ds, Kindle, Phone (If I forget my phone, dear lord, why would I do that)
  • And make sure that I packed the right makeup palettes (I think that will be my biggest challenge, because it mostly depends on my mood)

Also, I forgotten how upsetting Titanic is as a film, but all the actors/actresses did such a great job on this film. But the high levels of PTSD after surviving or survivor’s guilt must have been tremendous.

I’m at the part where Jack freezes, and my heart squeezes at the thought that if that was me and the person I loved, ugh. It hurts, I know it’s purely fictional, but this was probably not the best movie to watch before getting on a plane tomorrow.

Anyways, I’m going to go to bed. I will continue to queue posts. Also a big thank you because I have 25+ followers and I am so thankful. Thank you so much!


Thought Journal

When I started the WW journey, I read something through Pinterest that spiked my interest, which was to start a thought journal.

So, obviously I have this blog that I like to post as often as I can about it, but having a thought journal, I noticed, has helped me out a whole bunch more, because I’m actually keeping track of fleeting thoughts.

Because, obviously they were fleeting so I would just forget about them and move on with my life.

WELL not anymore, because I can actually remember them, and it honestly feels great that I have some inkling of an idea about what happened. I bought the journal at my local Ross store for maybe $2.00, which is where it’s still cheap, but it’s just a journal that I can carry around and keep track of my progress. I love it.

That and it makes me feel like I can hold myself accountable for things.

So in essence, it’s like a journal and a planner, except I have a planner. And I do use it, as well.

All and all, I really like that I can use the thought journal to remember things, but also keep me positive.

The first day that I started writing in it (for example) was 11/9 which was obviously right after election day, and was my second day of WW, I wrote this:

Donald Trump isn’t going to stop me from obtaining my goals.

Which to be fair, everyone on my facebook feed was freaking out, and I was tired of the negativity so I just wrote what I felt (what felt) was important. And it really stuck out to me that day, and really inspired me.

That, and I highly doubt that Donald Trump is going to fly down and stop me from making progress. But if he did, I would be impressed, confused, and slightly irritated that he even tried.

Nevertheless, I think it is a fantastic idea to keep one organized as well as aware of the day to day life that we uphold. I’m glad that I decided to track things down.

