LifePlanner Changes

I am so thankful that I bought a LifePlanner, because I already feel like I’m more organized than I was a month ago.

Not only does it keep me on track to what I want to do throughout the week, but because I carry it everywhere with me, it also gives the illusion that I’m more organized to everyone else. I accidentally brought it into an interview last week, and they were so impressed. The woman started gushing about how she always wanted one, and she’s glad that she interviewed someone who is striving to be organized.

Which I am. But I’ve only filled out 2.5 weeks, if that.

First week will not be shown because I was being messy and lazy, but I will show the last two weeks:


Week One.


Week Two.

I got the neutral theme, and I’m kind of just adding things as I move on. I work mostly Saturdays-Tuesdays so Wed-Fri are my off days, where I run errands and everything else. I bought lots of stickers on Etsy and I’m in love.

Also Pro-Tip: Make sure you know how much you’re buying because you’ll go broke fast.

Thanks again,


Painted Nails

This is so weird, but I had to share it.

I’m not too much of a prissy girl, but I have noticed something. (I do apply makeup to my face every day, but I guess you’ll see what I mean) I feel so empowered when I put on dark nail polish – and I don’t really get it.

Maybe it’s like an alter-ego coming and out and realizing how much potential I really have. Or having a switch go on inside and helping me see that I’m a bit more bullet proof than I originally thought.

So I got in the habit about last week – because when I go in for interviews, it looks really nice if my hands are painted versus not being painted. (At least in my mind) and I bought some stuff for it, and I really like how my nails look.

As I look down, I also realize that my skin looks like a different shade, but that’s probably because of the contrast. I bought OPI’s color Russian Navy and I’m in love. I love the dark blue look, but when it comes up to the light, it looks indigo. (Available at your local Ulta)

According to the website it’s supposed to last 10 days, so all I need to do is wait and see.

Thanks for reading this, as always,



So for those who celebrate lent – it’s coming.

I was brought up in the church – I attended Catholic schools for most of my life (10+ years so definitely most of my life) and I can also say that is one way for a child who turned into an adult to break away and “discover” other means of religion.

I’m practically agnostic/deist but still on the edge, and not making any means to commit to another anytime soon. Yes, it’s because I’m lazy and I’ll be 25 in June so I’m still unsure about everything religion. There’s too much pressure on society’s views on it anyways.

So, one of my closest friends is going through the process of becoming a Catholic. And while I’m excited for him, it really puts things in perspectives on how the Church is set up – and as emotional support I blindly said that I would participate in Lent with him.


So, instead of giving something up, I’m going to do what I did in December (Runcember) and work out more. I pretty much did a 5K every day of December, and while I do have a 5K that I’m walking for Weight Watchers, I’ll be working out every day of March. Except for Sunday’s because I work long hours on that day, and you’re supposed to be taking a break once a week anyways.

Lucky for me, I prefer Tuna to anything, so the No Meat on Friday’s won’t be challenging. We’ll see how it works out, I have everything written in my planner just to make sure. It’s actually a lot of fun to be organized.


I got up in time!!

I got up in time to head to Weight Watchers this morning – which in hindsight isn’t that difficult, but when you get home around 3:15 and then your boyfriend decides to keep you awake so you only have maybe 4 hours of sleep, it was challenging.

But I knew that if I went I could be back on track.

And that’s the case. It was great seeing everyone since it’s been a couple of weeks, it puts me back on track. Which is what I feel like I needed anyways.

It’s honestly a great experience to go back to a community that you haven’t taken part in in awhile, and I gained 3.8 pounds, but considering that it could be so much higher, I’m not terribly upset.

I think it will motivate me to become better this coming week, especially with my Lent Goals that I will be starting at the beginning of next month.

I can’t believe that it’s coming up, in all honesty.



Talkin’ Shit

We all do it.

Don’t lie.

But the issue that I have with it, is that we’re all going to gossip, and if you hear it you may tell your significant other. The issue that I have about it, is that when people talk about you but they don’t even know the situation.

Yeah, I know. It happens.


I have been babysitting for a family that is going through a really difficult divorce. Like the dad has the “divorced dad syndrome” where he wants to play favorites and then the kids act out – it happens. But…

I watched his kids for months and he still owes back payment on child support but tries to get me involved in court.

No. Stop.

I’m 24 going on 25 – and I’m not married. I don’t even live in the same zip code as you (Oklahoma has really weird zip codes, honestly, like Oklahoma City tries to buy all this land and then you have the other towns that just float in their own little islands. It’s so weird)

Sorry that this is really a venting post, but it irks me. I’m not in your life, and now I see the kids like once a month. Ughhhh <insert angry noises here>

People that go through divorces, are so brave. Especially when they get as messy as this. It amazes me how everything gets torn up and just cast to the side, and it scares me that marriages can go through this. If anyone reads this and you’ve been through a divorce, you’re awesome for surviving. Because, this is just way over my head.

Thanks for reading –
