
Why, yes, I am flying Delta Airlines.

(Actually this post is queued, so forgive me for not having actual current feelings about flying.) But I will say that traveling does stress me out a little bit, and not just in the social anxiety way.

It’s more of like I have to deal with all these other people that I will never see again, and never (probably) even think of again. (Though if I think about it that way, than maybe I should think of them again).

Flying stresses me out because it’s the thought of “What happens if our flight is delayed?” or “What happens if some freak accident happens and I’m stuck somewhere?” Will any of these situations happen? No, probably not, and I just knocked on wood around 15 times just to be absolutely sure.

My parents live in Orange County, New York, and we’re flying into Duchess County, which isn’t too far away. Maybe closer to 30-45 minutes away. It’s a small airport, so it won’t be too terrible, and my flight leaves at 7:40a Central time, and I should be in New York by 6:15p Eastern time. (So naturally I am either at an airport now, or in the air)

I cannot wait to see my family, and I hope that Thanksgiving will be a memorable time, filled with many more happy memories. I also hope that I won’t lose my mind when traveling or get sick. I also hope that I won’t get bored.

I’ll have Pokemon Sun to play for my 3DS, and I got a lot of books to read on my Kindle Paperwhite.

I also always carry on my stuff, and I cannot decide if I want to do a duffle bag again, or if I want to do a backpack, but we’ll see. I think I’ll do the duffle bag to fit in all my makeup and shoes.

Anyways, hope your thanksgiving week is going well, because I know mine will be.

Thank you,


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